The images used in this advert are very bold and eyecatching of Lady Gaga herself, by using 2 photos of the advert shows how daring and unique she is with each look the top image is very detailed and the contrast of the black and white work really well together and make the image look very strong, whereas the bottom image is slightly faded so that the titles can stand out more but I believe because the two photos are so different just reflects on her personality as she doesn't want anything to look the same. The advert has a slight monocrome feel to it and is really retro, again not many artists would use this colour scheme and she stands out so much because she is so daring. Also the two images used in the advert are the two album covers you can get when purchasing the cd which shows the artist is giving her fans an alternative edge and with these futuristic looks she will stand out alot more.
The artists name and the name of the album are very bold and stand out over the faded picture for customers to see clearly, although the text is very plain because of the picture behind it being faded it contrasts so well with the colour. The text containing the names of the songs on the album and where the album is available from is very small compared to the name of the artist I believe this is because they dont want the customers getting distracted from the more important elements of the advert. The quote from the rolling stones magazine is easy to read and I think what they mean by it is she is going to develop over the years and become a real star which she has so shows that what comments/opinions are given are always the truth.
There are not many relationships between the text and the images on this advert, however the artists name being so bold links to her personality well because Lady Gaga is a fashion icon because of her bold dress sense and wacky personality and I think the text was supposed to define that perfectly. Also the fame "monster" linking to the top image shows the artist can be quite scary and she isint normal like the rest of the artist around today.
Iconography in the advert defines the artist by her wearing the outrageous costumes shows how daring and different she is to other artists and also showing the two photos shows how versatile she is as an artist and how she can change her looks. The photos also make me think that the genre of music this artist is from is Techno/Dance because her look is so futuristic it links in really well.
Her dress sense is what signifies Lady Gaga to the public because no artist is like her in the way that she wears very wierd and different costumes she always takes it a step further than others and still looks great.
The target audience for this artist and her album could litreally be anyone. Firstly could be people who stand out from the crowd and are different like Lady Gaga and maybe she has made them believe that it doesnt matter what you look like to be successful. Also girls of any age may look upto her as a role model because she is so different her music is still outstanding and because she has lived her dream fans may want to do the same. Even men could like her because she has the sex appeal as she wears quite revealing clothing but is very sexual in her songs too.
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