Wednesday 23 November 2011

Editing Most Of The Video

The reason I haven't posted anything for the past two weeks is because our group has been editing all of our clips which took us 6 hours to film, so as you can imagine it's very time consuming. After watching every one of our clips we realized some of them needed to be re shot because of timings and as the nights are getting dark really early some of our footage was way too dark to use which was disappointing but as a group we planned what bits we are going to re film next time because making it look professional is the most important thing as all music videos look well thought out and considered and our idea has that element however it didn't come across in the footage.

The editing process does take the longest time because our song choice is fast paced we needed to have a lot of jump cuts in it to match the footage to the beats which is quite challenging but at this stage we have managed to get the first verse fully completed apart from one piece of footage near the beginning of the video when the camera is focusing on the model's body for a long time which we are going to sort out by filming lots of little pieces for example her hands moving around her body or up to her head to link into the sequence. There is then a small part of the filming empty where we need to use around 3 extra's who need to be laying,hanging e.t.c as if our main character has attacked/eaten them. These need to be in totally different locations so everything looks unique and thought out. It's close to the end where most of the filming needs to be re done as we filmed a dance scene which was too dark to add to our video so we are going to change the idea and concentrate more on the main character crawling/jumping from places showing she is hiding but can't wait to let out her true identity. Also we are going to wait till the next day of filming (next week) and decide what movement we can create as a group again to show fluidity and rhythm to the beat of the song but also make sure it has relevance to the video so same costumes could still be worn.

I believe when we have filmed these parts and put them into place all we will need to do is add extra affects over some parts of the video to make them stand out and look different and original but also somehow relate it back to any type of Ke$ha video for example linking with mise en scene glitter and confidence and lots of movement are the key things to think about but I believe once these are complete then we are ready to hand our final video in, in my next post I will display some screen grabs of particular editing skills I have used throughout final cut and write a small paragraph evaluating why but also how I did it for future reference if I ever need to use this technique again the explanation will be useful.

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