Monday 22 August 2011

9 Frame Analysis - Pixie Lott (All About Tonight)

Shot 1 - 0:05 seconds
A meat shot is used in this first shot and I believe it's to introduce the viewers to the artist and because she is very famous many people will recognise her straight away, these shots are very detailed and you can see her seductive look into the camera which Andrew Goodwin would describe as voyeurism where female artists looks are used especially for the male audience. The composistion of this shot only contains the artists face and hand and this is because it is a meat shot and nothing else should be included. Make up is used in this shot, her eyes are very smokey and she has lipgloss on which link to the song title "all about tonight" as she could be getting ready for a night out. The lighting is very bright in this shot so you can see the detail in the artists face and also to show her beauty.

Shot 2 - 0:28 seconds
Editing techniques have been used in this shot to merge two scenes together, the shot of the artist is a close up shot and the shot of the destination is a long shot so you can see the detail and try and work out where the location is. I believe this has been done to show the two main elements of the video, the artist who is the main attraction but also the destination (new york) because that is were the video is set but also "it's all about tonight" means they may never have a night like this again and they should make the most of it because they are in such a lovely place. A narrative is used in this video I believe in the way that all the way through she is singing about it being about this one night and it makes the viewers think it's specail because it may never happen again.

Shot 3 - 0:31 seconds
This is a long shot to show the full scene aswell as the amount of people in it to show they maybe the artist's "friends" who she may be going out with. Various props are used eg vintage chairs and a chest and contrast with the large lights and glamarous outfits the dancers and the artist are wearing which shows the comparison between old and new which is a good element to include in a video. The composistion now includes dancers aswell as the artist to show that she wont be alone throughout the video but you can still tell she is the most important because she is sitting closest to the camera. Costumes are all very glamarous and link to the narrative of it being all about one night and them making the most of it in these stunning outfits. The location looks like the inside of a garage with the lighting coming from the back of the shot brightening each side of the shot up and I think all the props were put there as this may be another place the group decide to "party".

Shot 4 - 0:33 seconds
This is another close up shot used on the mobile phone the artist is using and this is so the viewers can have a close look at what the artist is writing and it says "ready to go" which indicates she is telling all her friends that she is ready for the night ahead. Composistion wise it shows her hands because they want it to look realistic like she was the one texting but its also advertising the phone she is using by having the nokia logo in the corner which may make people want to go out and buy that phone if her fans want to be like her.

Shot 5 - 1:43 seconds
This is a medium shot of a dance scene in the middle of the street, I believe it's been used so you can see how many people are there and that they are all dancing in sync. The composistion again shows Pixie Lott stood in the middle of the rest of the female dancers because she is who the viewers want to see most. The costumes the artist is wearing is alot more revealing than shot 3 and it shows off her legs which links back to male attention (shot 1). The location used looks like the middle of a street, this makes me think they could be on the way out and may have stopped to dance because they are so excited about what's going to happen, the light is only coming from the street lights so a spotlight may have been added in the editing stages to make the artist stand out from the rest.

Shot 6 - 2:21 seconds
This shot again has been edited just like shot 2 in the way that two scenes have been overlapped, this time the close up shot is only used on the artists mouth to indicate she is lip syncing perfectly and then an aerial shot of the destination were the group are. This type of shot maybe used again because they wanted to refresh the viewers memories or maybe because the editor of the video thought it added a unique touch to it. A mirror view of the destination is used also this maybe to indicate just how big a night out in New York would be because it's such a great place and could be a once in a lifetime oppurtunity for many people. The artist still has her bright lipgloss on and her nails painted to go out for the night on the tiles.

Shot 7 - 2:33 seconds
Medium shot used here of Pixie and her "girlfriends" and links back to the lyrics "out with the girls" as they are walking to the club. The artist looks different again in the way that she has a different coloured lipstick on and also another outfit, regular costume changes are good to use in music videos because the viewer will never know what to expect and there is always another surpise coming up. The colouring is quite dark in this shot however the bright light shadowing over the artist brightens it up and almost gives me the idea of paparazzi catching an off shot of the celebrity and her friends hitting a club because the camera is very close to her face.

Shot 8 - 2:38 seconds
Another dance shot captured by a medium shot on the camera, this time the group contains boys and links to the lyrics "grab someone if your single grab someone if your not" meaning you can have a good night whoever you are forget about your day to day life because this night is going to be amazing. The composistion of the group is a triangluar shape to show experiments used when creating the video to make sure they were not stood in the same posistion throughout. The costumes include the girls still wearing there glamarous/dressy night out clothing while the male dancers are quite casual which is what normally happens as men dont really need to make much of an effort. Again spotlights have been added in the editing stages to brighten the full shot as it's in the middle of the street and the colours of the clothing contrast in well with the darkness of the street.

Shot 9 - 3:01 seconds
This meat shot is very similar to shot 1, except Pixie is on a slight angle in this shot. The exact same make up and hairstyle is used in this shot like shot 1.The only thing that is really different is her expression which I believe finally links to the narrative because it was all about that night because it would be a once in a lifetime chance to go all out and by her expression it looks like the night lived upto expectations so shows the video and song ends on a high note.

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