Monday 22 August 2011

12 Frame Analysis - Arctic Monkeys (Crying Lightening)

Shot 1: 0:14 seconds. A long shot which shows the a small boat in the ocean, it seems to be either sunset or sunrise and this is indicated by the sun on the right hand side of the shot. It's very misty and cloudy but we can see four shadowed figures standing on the boat with instruments, we assume that this is the band

Shot 2: 0:34 seconds. This mid shot shows Alex Turner, the lead singer of the band standing at the front of the boat, this gives the impression that he is the most important. He is wearing dark colours and seems to look quite relaxed although the sky is beginning to look cloudier. He is holding a guitar which he is not playing, but he is singing.

Shot 3: 0:50 seconds. The mid shot then pans left to show the rest of the band on the boat, they too are wearing dark colours but they are playing their instruments. This gives the impression that the rest of the band are not as important as Alex.

Shot 4: 1:34 seconds. This birds eye view shots shows the water has begun to get rougher which suggests that the weather is changing. The band continue to stay in their places and play their instruments. This gives the impression that they're not worried about whats happening around them.

Shot 5: 1:49 seconds. This mid shot shows the lead singer standing at the front of the boat, the darkened figures of the band can be seen standing behind him but only his face can be seen, this is a shallow focus. It is clear that it has begun raining and that it is windy, you can see this by his hair being blown back. He is beginning to look increasingly anxious at the changing weather and has begun playing this guitar.

Shot 6: 2:01 seconds. This extreme long shot shows that it has became night, the lights on the boat have been turned on and the sea looks rough. The band are still in their original positions.

Shot 7: 2:07 seconds. This is a close up shot of the lead singer, we can see by his face that the weather is changing dramatically, he looks worried and begins to hold onto the side of the boat as it beings to move more. He continues to sing.

Shot 8: 2:32 seconds. The camera moves to show the water which is changing colour and bubbling, lightening strikes it which ties in with the name of the song. We then see something emerging from the water.

Shot 9: 2:41 seconds. A ghost like, giant version of the lead singer appears from the water playing guitar, lightening strikes around him. This is an extreme long shot and we can still see the boat but only the outline.

Shot 10: 3:13 seconds. The rest of the band then emerge from the water playing their instruments which suggests once again that they are not as important or focused on as the lead singer. The narrative throughout the video has been told by the lead singer.

Shot 11: 3:26 seconds. The band have now put down their instruments and are sitting on the boat as they sail past the giant versions of themselves. They look up at them in awe and one of the band has a telescope. Alex Turner is sat at the back of the boat, higher up than everyone else, and also the most noticeable as he is wearing an orange jumper and the rest of the band are wearing duller colours. This is a medium long shot.

Shot 12: 3:36 seconds. The final shot shows the view from the telescope. We see the giant ghost like people go back into the water and the weather begins to get calmer, the final shot is of the weather changing to look peaceful.

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