Monday 5 December 2011

Discussion for Last Chorus

As you can see in the screen grab above there is a large space which consists of the last chorus and as a group we needed to come up with some idea that would relate into our storyline/plot perfectly. Also every little small part of footage that has been cut in the image above is from a separate clip so it shows how much time needs to go into finishing just one verse/chorus. It was really tricky because we didn't just want to fill the space with ideas that haven't been thought about properly. Thinking about a totally new location and scenario we knew would work as it's the theory we have used to get us through most of the video and the outcome has been successful, so creating a brand new scene but having the story line in someway link back to the original is the best thing we can do, we did already have a selection of different videos which would of made our music video complete however due to health and safety regulations they where not allowed to be used.

We have collected inspiration from a range of different music videos throughout filming our own which had the same type of story line or plot that we hope to capture for example Rihanna's Disturbia video, that is very intense and includes alot of horror style dance moves which could make viewers feel uncomfortable but that affect is what we wanted to give off. The set up of Jessie J's Nobody's Perfect is the closest inspiration I believe we could have to our idea as the shot is full with props and actors but also you can see that only the main singer/character is in control of everything which is exactly what we hope to capture from our variety of shots as she will be controlling the "dead bodies" which she attacked throughout the video.

After figuring out how we would set up a tea party scene we needed to think about a location and we knew that the studio that can be provided for us by college would be the best option as it's a blank canvas and the most important thing, it contains tables and chairs which are vital for our scene because if we want on location say an abandoned forest the effect would be lost as no transportation services could take tables and chairs from college just for us students to use, so for this point we thought logically. It was then onto costume and we asked the boys that were included in the beginning of the video to return but this time where smart shirts with a tie because the tea party would be formal, which made it easy to figure out that Emily (main character) would be wearing something formal too and we thought a cute pastel colour dress would contradict what she is (cannibal) and contrast well with the story line, make up would be left simple except from the black lips which is an element we got from the Lady Gaga - Paparazzi video because I believe it just shows a slight amount of bad while she is still looking really angelic.

The hardest element we needed to think about was the actual storyline of this scene and how it would link in well with the verse and chorus of the song. For the verse that starts "I Eat Boys Up, Breakfast & Lunch" we plan to film the main character and the male actors all sitting around a table full of different props which you would associate with a tea party, she will then go on to pouring out "tea" (blood) into each of the male actors cups, who are at this point dead. This process will be filmed very slowly however we will speed it up in the editing stages to make it look more creepy and have some relevance to the idea we have gone with throughout this music video. After pouring the drinks she takes the cups to each of them as well as doing a signature move on each of them which shows she cares for them but she is still the boss so she shows her emotion through anger because she can't help but thrive off the fact she could be drinking their blood. A range of close up medium and long shots will be captured so a lot of cuts can be added to our video showing the main characters facial expressions and the male actors aswell as the full set.

When it gets onto the last chorus we knew instantly because it sounds like more than one person singing it in the original song it would be silly not to have all of the male actors alertly jolt up from the "dead" and start miming the words in sync which will almost look like they are zombies because of the facial expressions they pull, while they are perusing this the main character will position herself in the middle of the table and it's a sort of transformation scene as she is coming out as a cannibal so a lot of jolty body movements which we can speed up again can be captured. When the chorus kicks in and the beats get faster a new idea needed to be brought in so we thought if the male actors are seated when miming the beginning of the chorus they could all jump up from their seats and start walking as if they are still half dead towards the camera and making their bodies disjointed which may make viewers feel uncomfortable but the whole part of the video is horror related. When they are all lined up infront of the table and the main character is now knelt on top of the table the fun part will happen, when the first fast beat kicks in the group will automatically start reciting the macarena which should ease viewers into the video and also make them laugh, this will be done very precisely and body movement will be in sync but also really strong.

We decided that the " oh oh oh oh oh" part of the song will be the "having fun" part of the video where our main character does various different moves which will make people laugh and also have no relevance to the video. So while we have this great set all created we thought taking a few parts of that will work and finish off that full section nicely, because she is surrounded by props we hopefully will get her to throw them towards the camera whilst miming but also making sure she keeps into character which could be difficult but because she is so professional it will work.

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