Thursday 8 December 2011

Putting Final Clips Into Place

After we filmed the tea party scene in Tuesdays lesson all we had left to do was look through each of the clips and decide which ones would fit into the spaces perfectly. this was a long process because it's the first time we have just carried on filming without stopping the video camera which meant there was parts which included just the full group talking discussing how we can make it better e.t.c, that is the only reason they took so long to watch but we finally knew what needed to go where.

But because the song has a lot of different beats we knew that the clips we use needed to be cut when a new beat started so it flowed well and had relevance of being there. Emily inserted the first section of clips into Final Cut however because they hadn't been exported as DV files before hand lines where appearing on the screen which made them look unprofessional and you could tell clearly comparing them to the other sections of video. Although this may have disheartened Emily because she copied the clips into the program and they had to be removed we tried to re enter the clips like she had them but just speed the clips up a lot more and also add in more of a range of cuts because the first reel of them was a continuous play in the same angle which doesn't fit in with the style of the song so that was the only part that we needed to change.

When focusing on the last chorus we knew exactly where to find the clips because we only needed to do a few takes because everyone included in the video was performing arts students they knew to get straight on with there characters and it would be over quickly but they all seemed to enjoy it as well which is a good thing. When we got each of the clips from the last chorus in place we realised that they went on for too long and viewers would start to get bored as no angles are different which meant we needed to re look through all of the clips to swap with parts of the existing ones to make it look more fast paced and also speeding parts up and slowing parts down when needed added a unique touch but also still meant they where lip syncing in the correct way.

All that is left to do to our video now is change one clip close to the beginning of the video as there is a continuity error as in one flash one of the males at the tea party scene is wearing glasses and the next he isn't which doesn't look right so we need to just swap it with another clip. The last thing is add some extra editing techniques in like extra flashing lights for some scenes but lighting is an awkward thing to change because it then means it could be bright in one part of the clip and dark the next it's hard to find a balance so we are best leaving it with what we have got. However some more super imposing might work well for it especially if we cross over scenes of our main character in all the different scenarios together like a montage and if we speed parts up it could look quite scary. We have a few more lessons left but because we have put everything into place and have already captured our digipak images we have time to play about with effects before handing in the final copy of the music video in Wednesday's lesson.

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