Monday 5 December 2011

Filming Difficulties

Throughout the process of creating the music video we have been inspired through different videos and our own ideas, however, some of the content in which we wanted to be contained in the video went against the health and safety regulations. Due to this we have had to rethink ideas for various chorus's of the song. This has proven to be difficult as through the video's genre, in which we have set, we would like the content to be disturbing and creepy, however there is also guidelines in which we need to follow.
In order to overcome this problem we decided to analyze various ways in which we could portray the creepy effect without it becoming too overpowering. Through studying performing arts I worked on a dance choreographer called Bob Fosse. This particular choreographer focused on the body and movements in order to make the dancer look distorted, this inspired me and gave me the idea of including a short dance routine within the video focusing on Bob Fosse's particular body movements to allow the creepy genre to come in. Through including the dance routine we will also be sticking to the stereotypical elements found in music videos as nearly all female videos contain a dance sequence.
The problem that came to mind when filming the dance routine is that it would not suit the rest of the video and look out of place in comparison to the other footage. In order to solve this we decided that the dance routine would not be fully choreographed as dance and that instead we would show the routine as if the actress was transforming into the cannibal, using gestures such as head turns and flinging the arms around, these gestures could also be sped up so that more fast paced editing is included (as through the peer assessment they said including this will give the video a better effect).
Through looking at the dance routine as a transformation this inspired me furthermore to make the scene more disturbing. The idea in which came to mind was focusing the attention on the actress and instead of her lip syncing to the music, include the actors from the bridge section and have them mime to the song. This allowed the disturbing genre to fit in, as the actors from the bridge section were portrayed as dead, and by having them stay in the position they were and just move their mouths it gives off an unsettling feeling which could shock the audience as the idea of the undead is a scary thought to most.

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