Tuesday 10 January 2012

Ancillary Text Feedback From Peers

During yesterdays lesson we got split up into our groups and were asked to analyse another groups digipak and advert by giving them 2 strengths that we believed made the work look of a professional standard and then 2 areas that they could improve on to get them into the higher level boundary. Jak and Jordan where the group to mark our ancillary tasks however we have only just completed the advert today so the comments they gave us where only regarding the digipak.

The first point they believed was a strength was the consistent brand identity shown throughout each piece of the digipak which showed we had thought about what elements to include to make an impression on viewers and hopefully sell the record we are trying to promote. The second positive point was that our digipak linked to the genre of music well, we decided to use the colour schemes and images to show the two sides to our character when she is portrayed behind the pink background she is just a normal human being however when she is behind the original leopard print that is her "cannibal" side reflecting through her angry facial expressions and quite wild and confident attitude, the reason we chose the leopard print is because we know Kesha always creates this over the top and bright and colourful as her genre is dance music every video is in your face so we wanted parts of the digipak to show that but also because she is a cannibal which is an animal we thought animal print would be the best reflection to use. The final strength they gave us was that we had a good colour choice the reason we chose both of the colours is you can see the writing clearly over the top and also see our model without it being a distraction.

The points they gave us to improve our digipak where; adding the company logo onto one of the sleeves rather than just small on the spine, the reason we put it there is because we thought it would be clear for everyone to see when looking at the digipak and looking at each part it would be noticeable as the text is white on a black background. We included the copyright information inside one of the sections however we did think putting the company logo next to that would have looked out of place and decided to just put it large on the cd itself instead. The second improvement they gave us was to use a variety of photos from the pink reflection as the model's pose is quite similar but the reason we chose both of these photos is because the photo shoot we constructed many of the outcomes where blurred due to faults with the camera so we only had limited options to choose from. But also even though she is stood in the same way her facial expressions are completely different as we wanted to show her looking quite shy and angelic so viewers would wonder how can she be a cannibal she just looks like any other teenage girl, by adding the photos to the digipak it does start to make viewers create a story about what's going to happen and also link it in with the music video itself.

Our peers also had to answer the question how effective is the brand identity? their responses where that the leopard print pattern was consistent throughout the whole digipak because we believed if we only included it on a few and changed the whole prospect of the other pieces then the digipak wouldn't link together at all. They then went onto say that our main character is clearly shown and because she is the main element of our music video we believed putting her in 4 out of the 6 sections was enough as the other 2 included the cd and the track list. By having her on so many of the sides it also promotes the music video more as she is the main character and the pattern is used throughout the music video which makes a direct link. They finally said that our font is related for the style of music we are working in. Previously Sophie downloaded a range of fonts so we could create a mood board of research however we only chose 2 to use, for the song title and track list we used "werewolf" font because it looked like claw marks through each letter and because cannibals would be feisty the link was again there. We then used the "katy berry" font for the artist's name as it was clear but also had a unique touch with the flicks coming from each letter which gave the digipak a girly element to contrast with the drama filled storyline.

Overall I believe the feedback given from my peers was of a high and positive standard and to an extent I agree with it, when I noticed what they wrote about adding the company logo to other places except just the spine because it wasn't clearly noticeable I immediately agreed with what they were saying and added it to the track list side and it was of a medium size and because it was white on the leopard print background it stood out instantly and overall this comment was helpful as I understood where they were coming from and it's improved our digipak for the better and also now links into the brand identity and promoting the single and the digipak. However the other comment about creating more of a variety of images using the pink background as both images are completely different the other similarity is that she is standing in the same way however this may not have been clear to our peers as both images are upside down so you can't clearly see the detail. So I believe leaving the photos how they are will be ok.

The targets that I am going to set myself for the end of the week is to fully complete our advert and analyse step by step instructions about how I made it on my blog, change the end scene of our music video to something more successful as that specific part looks rushed and not thought out. Finally if I have time go through the digipak and advert again and create some screen grabs to analyse on my blog so the examiner can see clearly what steps I went through to get the complete outcome.

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