Thursday 12 January 2012

Music Video - Third Final (FINAL)

Although we currently had created two final drafts of our music video, I had been watching it a number of times after checking if anyone had left any comments on it and I seemed to watch it the whole way through and once again I found some problems that I thought I could change before the deadline of the 13th to have our final video handed in because these elements where noticeable but could be changed in order to make our video look of a high standard in the end. The first element that I found was in the first chorus where a flash seemed to occur between a change in two shots, this change was very quick and simple because when opening the video back up in final cut you could see the small gap between the clips so to fix the problem I simply grabbed one end of the clip and joined it up to the other one. However the next two elements where slightly more complicated and time consuming, the Second element was during the "dead people" scene it included two of the three characters used in the final dance scene and then one girl character, however because she wasn't used anywhere else in the video we decided to take her part out and use our test footage in which we used the final male character who would match up to make all 3 characters be linked from the death scene to the dance scene and would make our video flow easily without people asking questions, cutting the scene of just the male was too short so we had to have half of he's scene of just him and the other half of our main character stood over him however it did link perfectly as the clip straight after shows her standing up and walking away. The final element that needed to be changed was of the running scene in where the main victim is pacing up and down the path determined to get rid of the cannibal trying to capture him, at the beginning of this scene the camera work is not focused and moves up and down quite a lot, because we noticed this more and more each time we watched it I took the clip out and replaced it with another clip which meant moving all of the existing clips along because the clip I found showed him running right from the beginning of the path which meant it had to come before any other clip so the fluidity would be seen.
After making the last minute changes as a group we are finally happy with the result and any other major things (lack of adventurous location) cannot be changed anymore as the deadline was a few months ago but that is an improvement we can take on board for the future.

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