Wednesday 4 January 2012

Finishing Digipak and One on One

In today's lesson we managed to finish our digipak completely but the reason it took us all lesson is because a lot of elements where still missing. Firstly we added a phone bar code which means that any fans with a mobile phone can scan the bar code and get instantly transferred to either iTunes where they can purchase the single/album or the artist's own website where they can view news about her, images that have been taken by fans also all of her videos throughout her career. Yesterday we completed the front cover of our album using the text from the werewolf font we downloaded however today we decided that having the artist's name and the song title in different fonts would be a better option, so we used Katy Berry font for the artists name which looked bold but also looked reasonable similar to the original. When I was certain that the text now looked of a professional standard it was a part of our brand identity and we added the artist's name and the song title to one spine of the digipak and on the other featured our record label "rawr records" which we also spent the lesson creating a logo for which consisted of a paw print with two r's inside and the copyright logo, it's simple but it works really well. The final thing we did was write a short sentence about the copyright information and who was responsible for the album e.t.c.

Throughout the lesson our subject tutor was calling each group up one at a time to talk about what levels she believes we are working at individually and what she scored our music video overall and why. We were told that our video had been given 31 which was the level 3 boundary as we were not as imaginative as other groups in our class with the locations and some of the camera work at the beginning of the video was quite poor, although she told us this information we can't change or re film any parts from the beginning as the deadline was weeks ago however me and Sophie do believe that a small part from the end of the video looks like it's been added to just fill in the gap and has no relevance at all so just by taking that out it might make the video look a lot more in sync and flow better. She also told us we could get a good mark overall if we do well with our digipak and advert and also the evaluation questions which is why I am going to make a to do list to make sure we cover all the points. However now we have fully completed the digipak next job is to add the information onto the cd template before analysing it our blogs and then creating the advert.

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