Thursday 12 January 2012

Music Video - Second Final

After re watching our "final" of the music video there was significant elements I reliesed could be changed by exchanging them for new clips or reducing or increasing the speed to make sure the lip sync was perfect and in time. The main element I noticed instantly that was ruining the rest of the video was a part of the end scene where we put a few clips in together just for quickness and to fill up the space which we had sped up however none of them looked like they were supposed to be there and also you could see the other characters talking in the background which was totally unprofessional so I made the decision of removing the whole section and replacing the clips with a variety of clips used from scenes throughout the video which could be sped up but also played backwards to add more of a freaky yet unique effect. I tried to choose clips which didn't include any lip syncing or minimal so it wasn't noticeable on the clips and the end result was successful as now it looks like each separate clip has been thought out but also by changing that small scene it gives the whole video a round up towards the end like a "flashback" scene of everything they have watched throughout but backwards which shows our creative flare as a group. We then believed that this would be our final draft as we didn't notice any other major problems.

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