Thursday 5 January 2012

Marking Criteria Analysis

Marketing Criteria

- shooting material appropriate to the task set; including controlled use of the camera, attention to framing, variety of shot sizes and close attention to the mise en scene

- editing so that meaning is apparent to the viewer and making selective and appropriate use of shot transitions, captions and other effects

- recording and editing sound with images appropriately

For the first point I believe there are parts in our video where the camera control is slightly juddered due to the rocky surface the tripod was resting on but also the fact that there are so many quick cuts in the song the main character was moving around quiet quickly without indicating to me that she would be doing it which meant I had to zoom in and out quite a lot to create a variety of shots to make the video look a lot more appealing and interesting to watch. However apart from the beginning scenes the rest of the video is very focused and clear. The part of the video when Emily says "you better run" is the only place where I believe the framing could have been altered a small amount so that she was directly in the centre of the shot rather than lower down as you can't see her costume clearly and there is too much background however it's too late to re film now it's just points we could think about for next time.
The shots that are mainly seen throughout our video are medium/long shots to show full length body shots of each actor and also length of the whole scene we were working in. Also meat shots (close ups) of our main character's face as these are the most common shots used in most music videos. They do range from medium to long to close up quite a lot due to the large amount of cuts during the song you can't see which is which but you can tell they are different so as a group we used our skills to the best of our ability.
The mise en scene was a section of the video we focused on quite a lot as outfits where put together depending on the location, our main character supported 4 outfits throughout the video and where all inspired from ideas we came across in the planning stage of the coursework. Each one showed off her figure in the best way possible however some may have been more revealing than others but we wanted to show the "sex appeal".

The second questions talks about the editing process of the video, this took us the longest to do as we needed to create a lot of cuts but also put it in a sequence which floated through correctly. Because we filmed the scenes exactly how we wanted each of them to look as final pieces not a lot of filters where added only to the leopard print costume scene as we thought by adding a shaking effect to the motion of her movement it would make her look more disjointed and freaky which links in with the character she is trying to portray so this worked well, however no other effects where added to our footage. The only other thing we changed after putting all the video into place was placed one clip on top of another and lowered the opacity which had a professional touch to the whole scenario.

The last question links only to the main character and I believe she is one of the only actress's in our class that lip synced perfectly throughout the whole video as some members of the class either were not in time or didn't concentrate on that element where as for us it was the main thing to focus on because if we wanted it to look like any other video Ke$ha had done before syncing her lips to the words was going to be the most important. However when we were filming the sound was really quiet as it was played through a phone so when importing each clip into Final Cut some changes had to be made in the way that they would have to be slowed down or sped up to keep in time with the original song, this was very hard as it kept moving clips along that came after the actual one we were working on at the time but the end result is exactly what we hoped for. The only thing I believe we would change next time is using more imaginative locations which would get us into the level 4 boundary.

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