Monday 27 June 2011

Lip Sync Task - Barbie Girl

We created this pop video because it linked to my genre well, we also chose the song because it's really fun and meant we didn't have to take ourselves to seriously. We filmed the task in our media studio with just a plain grey background but this wasn't our ideal plan because we wanted a palm tree background to add the cheesiness to the video and the song but unfortunately there was a problem with the green screen so the overall effect couldn't be given but we worked with what we had. We filmed the whole song through three times to make sure we had a variety of shots as our objective was to have selection of close up medium and long shots. Because some parts of each video we recorded had minor faults we would have to work extra hard in the editing section.

After filming our lip sync we then uploaded each of our videos onto the MAC'S and exported each of them to dv file, this was easy to do because we have used these programs earlier in the year. Me and Charlotte then watched each of the clips to make sure they would be good enough to use for our final film before opening them in final cut. Firstly we imported each of the videos into the browser file on the left hand side of the program which you can always see incase you ever loose any of your film off your timeline. They were all then imported onto the timeline with the audio to each of them as well as the original song audio, the hardest part of this task was using the markers in final cut to join up each separate video to the audio to make sure the lip syncing looked believable and well presented, we worked this out by using the audio waves which was a new experience and meant we had to analyze the height of the sound waves which was easier to understand as you could tell exactly where the sound was going to stop/start e.t.c. When the markers were found on each of the videos correct with the audio they were then joint together and then the video and audio were linked using the Linked Selection Control. Because our shots varied throughout all three videos we watched it through and used to the razor tool to cut parts of each of the videos to give the end result a better effect and make it look more like a music video.

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