Tuesday 14 June 2011

Jessie J - Do It Like A Dude Video Analysis

Throughout the video the sounds mainly stay the same with a sort of "drum and bass" effect to it, its also very deep which indicates more of a masculine side of the character the artist is portraying. choreography is the element that indicates a change in the sound which in this case is the louder bang of the bass drum for example the artist says "stomp, stomp" and each time its said the beat comes up.
Parts of the song also include some jumps and repetition of some lyrics "jjjj jessie j" which is to emphasize points which the audience will remember for example that is her name so whatever impact its had on them it will still be memorable.

At the beginning of the sequence a heartbeat is played which instantly makes you want to know whats going to happen in the rest of the video because its quite intense and with the dark location and the variation of shots showing a female playing cards and smoking shown in a montage which are normally elements linked to the male gender so makes the viewers suddenly realize the story behind the video which is how woman perceive the male generation. This is shown by the "punky" costume she is wearing and her manly gestures throughout the video example grabbing her "crotch" and the lyrics "pour me a beer" is showing exactly that she is trying to stereotype the male audience.

The star image of Jessie J is that she is an up and coming artist and she is a very independent and quirky character, in this video she looks rather disturbed shown mainly from the "meat"
shots her thick eye make up and her punk style of clothing suggest she's not a average looking singer and likes to be remembered for what she does.

Amplification is the way in which the video can be visualized because there is some direct links from the lyrics to the video for example when the artist says "grab my crotch" she does do that hand movement but some other parts of the video do not have any link to the actual lyrics at all so it means that the director has added their own personal touch to make it unique and make the viewers think on a more broader scale about what exactly the song is trying to get across.

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