Monday 27 June 2011

Shot Count Task - Beyonce Run The World (Girls)

I chose this music video because it fits in well with my chosen genre/style of music I want to base my own music video on. Also because the artist is so strong in what she does it shows in every one if her videos and she is always telling a story and sharing her feelings with the audience which is why her fans love her so much because she's so real. For the task I needed to count how many different shots are used throughout the video I have chosen, this was a hard thing to do and needed alot of focus to make sure I found all of the obvious shots. The number of shots I found throughout the video was 152 and these mainly consisted of medium shots and establishing shots to show the scene of the girls vs boys scenario and with the lyric "my persuasion can built a nation" this shows that the women are in control and if they persuade the men who are watching them by there bodies it will be an easy challenge. Also there are alot of close ups on the artist and the dancers showing each of there reactions to what's happening in the video the men show a slight case of anger were as the women look strong and ready to fight. The artist wears alot of extravagant clothing to make sure she stands out from the rest and there is many shots that pan around her to show off what she is wearing in detail. Establishing shots are also used throughout the video to show the surroundings of a old building which looked abandoned and was the main setting for the video.
There is not much creative editing done throughout the video as it all just flows nicely, however half way through the video there is a flash montage of the artist is different angles which works really well and also there are scenes at the beginning were the artist is positioned on a stallion and it's stood up and also in the middle there is the artist holding two vicious dogs, I believe if these animals haven't been trained they would of been edited in the process. Other than that all the dance routines are done in the actual video and that is what it mainly consists of.
The genre of this music video is pop/dance and is shown by the large amount of dance routines throughout the video and the tune of the video sounds like an anthem which alot of people will remember. I would sway more to the dance side rather than ballad because of the sound of the music that is used, if it was a ballad the tune would be alot slower and you would imagine it to be sung alot slower but the artist sings with a quite fast tempo aswell as the tune would make people want to dance to it.
The story line of the video is showing that women are strong and independent and they are the ones who "run the world" and they are chanting alot about it throughout the video when they are stood looking onto the men and telling them how strong they are and that although many people say men are the "boss" and they are the ones with all the rules that people have to abide by, the artist is going against it and showing that she and all the other women are the ones who run the world and you can see the men don't get too involved because they can see how strong and passionate they are about what they are saying.
I would say because most of Beyonce's fan base is made up of females anyway and this song is targeted at strong women then they are the audience who she will be promoting this song too, she wants to show women and girls of all ages that they can have power over men and still succeed in anything that they wish to do. But also I think men could be the audience because she wants to make them aware of what she is singing about and for them to realize that women can look after themselves and still be strong like the male generation. Women themselves are all strong human beings and should never be seen as a lower standard than men because they are independent and thats the story the artist wanted to get across to her audience and dancing her way through the video shows that men would listen to what she has to say by looking at her assets.
The women in the video are all joint together and are shown as strong people as well as the chanting it would show that they believe what they are saying is correct and the men in the video are shown as cowards because they step back from the dancers when they are showing how strongly they feel about the message they are trying to get across, but as well as scared they also look really angry because for once the attention has been took off males as Beyonce is showing girls are just as important. The men holding up the shields also look scared of what is taking place and using them as protection against the women, also because the women are looking down on the men as if to say we are just as good as you so don't judge us and from what you can see on the video the men have took that into consideration and believe what they are saying is correct which is exactly what I think Beyonce wanted to show.

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